Growing demand for PlanetProof products
Whether it concerns horticulture, floriculture or livestock farming, retail increasingly demands sustainably produced products. Dutch supermarkets often ask specifically for the PlanetProof certificate for both categories from Dutch soil and for example, imported fruit and vegetables from elsewhere in Europe. For example, having the largest vegetable garden in Europe, Spain supplies a large part of the tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers that you find on the shelves.
Guidance for your suppliers with the certification
When growing fruit and vegetables, according to the On the Way to PlanetProof certification scheme, your suppliers are confronted with various quality requirements, including energy, soil, biodiversity, fertilization, waste and packaging. AGRIDESK has been conducting audits for PlanetProof (formerly Milieukeur) for suppliers of plant products in the Netherlands, Spain and Portugal for more than ten years. We assist growers with preparations and registration, and we use a digital manual with which the grower can work efficiently in tandem. In this way, together, we ensure that your customers can rely on sustainably grown products of good quality.
Also GLOBALG.A.P, MPS-GAP or social certification scheme
Not only do we have a vast network in the fruit and vegetable market in Spain, but we are also active in floriculture. Plant growers of, for example, Mediterranean plants or potted plants have various quality requirements when they export products with a sustainability certificate such as GLOBALG.A.P., MPS-GAP or MPS-Social Quality. We carry out the requirements for you and guide your growers on the way to certification.
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