

Bayer: “Spanish tomatoes on the rise again”

Over the past five to ten years, the market for tomatoes grown in Spain has declined, while bell peppers and cucumbers have been rising. However, the recent energy crisis in northern Europe has reversed that downward trend. "That's because you don't have to heat Spanish greenhouses, and there's more market demand for tomatoes, bell peppers, [...]

2023-04-06T14:55:21+02:00Spain, Tomato|

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Spain will produce 15% less stone fruit this season, according to Fepex

The Fepex Stone Fruit Committee estimates that production in Spain will drop 15% this season compared to that of 2019, in line with the reduction of between 15 and 20% estimated by producers in the sector in Italy or the decrease predictable in France, not yet quantified. Sources of the Spanish Federation of Associations of [...]

2020-05-14T16:02:06+02:00Horticulture, Spain|

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Spain enters in the 2016/17 season the highest figure in history for exporting vegetables

The Spanish export of vegetables, in the campaign 2016/2017, has allowed Spain to enter the highest figure in history for this concept, according to the data that Hortoinfo has drawn from the statistical service Estacom (Icex-Tax Agency), with code 07 of the Integrated Tariff of the European Communities - TARIC (Tariff Integrated of the European [...]

2017-10-31T23:38:16+01:00Horticultura, Horticulture|

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