Monthly Archives: October 2017


Spain enters in the 2016/17 season the highest figure in history for exporting vegetables

The Spanish export of vegetables, in the campaign 2016/2017, has allowed Spain to enter the highest figure in history for this concept, according to the data that Hortoinfo has drawn from the statistical service Estacom (Icex-Tax Agency), with code 07 of the Integrated Tariff of the European Communities - TARIC (Tariff Integrated of the European [...]

2017-10-31T23:38:16+01:00Horticultura, Horticulture|

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France will impose a ‘climate veto’ on the trade agreement between the EU and Canada

The French government has announced that it will impose a "climate veto" on the EU-Canada free trade agreement (CETA), in force since the end of September and its "under surveillance" application.   Several members of the Executive explained at a press conference that they will ask the European Commission to comply with the rules of [...]

2017-10-29T21:40:44+01:00Política europea|

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The European Union and Morocco negotiate several amendments to reform the agricultural agreement

The European Union (EU) and Morocco have noted that progress has been made in the amendments to be made to the agricultural trade agreement signed by both sides in 2012, on which European justice ruled last December that it is not applicable to Western Sahara. EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini said in a statement [...]


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Superficie invernaderos en Andalucía oriental supera 34.000 hectáreas

La superficie de invernaderos de Andalucía oriental supera las 34.900 hectáreas, lo que supone un aumento de más de diez puntos porcentuales en comparación con los datos del primer estudio cartográfico de los invernaderos de este litoral realizado en 2001, según un comunicado.    El consejero de Agricultura, Pesca y Desarrollo Rural, Rodrigo Sánchez Haro, [...]


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